good bye.
Monday, July 30, 2007<3
I wish my birthday will never come..
I don wanna celebrate my birthday anymore...
VONNY&GANG,i would not be online,i would not be replying text-es and calls for these two weeks.Mail me if there's anything important.I wanna be alone.Thanks.
Brrrrr~It's so freeeezing cold now!
The weather is quite tempremental these few days.It goes cold&hot.
friday.Didn't appear in sch that day due t abdomen pain plus bleeding.But thank god,it stopped alr.Get MC from polyclinic and there's this irritating auntie!So what I take MC without medicine!IRRITATING!Went over t gramps till the dvds&the show is freaking me out!
saturday. Trained with dad t Toa Payoh& that reminds me of the times when I am young. (:
Dad always bring me ard,taking train rides & so, instead of my Mum.Crystal Jade plus shopping at Toa Payoh.Got nothing but Dad wanted t get a new cellphone for me as an advanced birthday present.W850i. (: Might be getting it today at IMM. After shopping,it's dinner plus mahjong at gramps. Nice weekend spent with the family.
But I seriously miss my lover loads! ):
Friday, July 27, 2007<3
-yawwwnnns- I'm so darn tired now.My eyes are closing alr.
But there's a sudden urge t blog,so here I am now.
TGIF soon! Gonna pop over t gramps' place over the weekends plus I'm gonna celebrate my godbrother's birthday over at Crystal Jade.Yarh,again but I'm lovin it! :D
Gonna hit the sack soon!Nights. (:
I have feelings&words within me that's sooo hard t express.Can you feel it?Far far away..
You're my sweet eyecandy.
I miss you,I miss you not..
But there's one thing for sure,I always longed t see you..
There's just this weird feeling in me..
When you're gone,the pieces of my heart is missing you..
Thursday, July 26, 2007<3
last weekend.I love
the way I spent my last weekends.On saturday,it was sentosa plus vivo with my family in the morning.Grab a uber nice jacket from FOX,which only cost me nineteen buckaroos.And,i'm so lovin' my jacket now. (: Late in the evening was meeting up with my lover.Went t my aunt's salon and she got her hair-cut.Afterall,it's was nice. (: Pins time with lover at my aunt's salon! And off we headed t marina for dinner + shopping! Initially,we planned t watch the fireworks,but it didn't suceed in the end due t the time factor plus it was really crowded there.Had MAC & i really love the times spent with my lover. :D
Sunday was books time with vonny,sheng&hilda.But I was very late on that day and didn't manage t get alot of stuffs into my head. -duhz- LOL. Useless t update abt the later part of the day.
Accounts,BZF & Excel filled up these few days.Nothing much except for the fact I enjoyed the company of my ite buds company in school. :D
But today is a superduper happy day! Pon the last two hours of sch & met up with sheng&vonny! Bang didn't join us though. ): And..I was late again. @.@. Headed down t suntec for our long-awaited doughnuts!The queue was not really long & it took us only 40 minutes or so t get close t our lovely doughnuts!Vonny treat sheng&me durian puffs & it's uber cold and nice! (: Shall get some for my family soon. (: After doughnuts queueing,we went t food court for our dinner.Bought subway cookies too.And sheng is such a gentlemen today,he helped us carry our doughnuts & stuffs while we are on our way home! Bus-ed t godma's house & passed her doughnuts plus chatting with her is so nice after not meeting her for quite some time.We are super happy t see each other. :DD Daddy&Mummy came t pick me up after they settle their business & they are sooooo happy t see those doughnuts plus Mum said the apple-cinnamon one is nice! (: I am a happy girl today! (:
Something's wrong with photobucket.Peektures up soon!
Saturday, July 21, 2007<3
I'm uber occupied these few days.That makes me a little lazy t blog.HAHA!
It was check-up on Monday.Nothing but more&more medicines.
Side Note : Sometimes,small little text-es plus MSN messages by friends t wish you all the best for ya check-up drew a wide smile on my face. ((:
Western + Chinese medicine is driving me craze at times!Mom pampered me with Crystal Jade again after check-up! & herbal jelly rawks my smelly socks!(:
Nothing but school these few days.
And I screwed my accounts paper on tuesday.My brain is kinda rusty after the three weeks break.I might even flunked the paper.But nevertheless,lessons these few days kinda refreshed my memory.Gonna work harder for the BIG paper! (: Plus microsoft excel is really driving me crazy!I'm so lost during OFA & I hate OFA lessons now. ): Who's gonna help me in my excel?Boo.
I miss vonny!Thank god we're meeting up tmr!Or i will go googoo-gaga! HAWHAW!
I miss sheng,bang&eug plus the gang too!And guess wad,when I was on the way home in the car just now,I saw bang&eug with their classmates but of cos,I didn't snatch the driver's seat t horn them (LOL!!)therefore,they didn't see me.
Tao Kae Noi Japanese Seaweed plus Meiji ZooLand Biscuits are loves now!
Should I watch Harry Potter?I can't wait for Rat-ta-too-e t be out!
Sunday, July 15, 2007<3
Tuesday.Movie with lovesloves after sch.Both of us were superuber late.Checked the timing for transformer and we caught the movie!I lovee how clever the soldiers and everyone is.Plus we stuffed ourselves with eggtart + oldchangkee during the movie. (: Went back home straight after movie because love had t finish some quiz online.Short meet-up but I enjoy her company!:D
Rested at home on wedensday and thursday.Had serious pain near the stomach plus I have really unwell stomach after consuming those oh-so-duh medicine. ):
Friday the 13th.No doubt on this unlucky Friday,I had a good Friday!Cheers t only two hours lesson in sch!Home t washed up + lunch!Meet bang&eug first then down t NP t meet prettyvonny & sheng.Got hit by a soccer ball upon reaching there!That's really darn unlucky!Initial plan was t have waffle at SIM,unlucky enough,the machine was faulty. ): So we went down t NP canteen for our usual never-ending chats.Push-up Pops for the guys&us + love bought me meiji grape gummies!Muacks. (: Went separate ways with the guys after slacking.
Love and me went t JP and we headed t swensens!Had the hulala-so-cheap student 10 buckaroos meal with love!It's all so worth it + love's company!It's fabulous!LOL.After the meal,walked ard & we can really joked alot! while waiting for Lara t meet us.Met Lara & she bought strawberry kisses for us. :D Updates&moreupdates.Vonny headed home first while Lara&me shopped ard & headed down t town after we get bored of JP.Riverine near clarke quay after wandering ard many pubs.Lara had Snowball + Gillian's Island while I had PussyFoot which is non-alcoholic.Stayed there till ard two before heading home.Took NR3 and vroom!the journey is super fast!Bathed and chatted awhile before sleeping! And vonny,Desmond is neither yours nor mine!It's ours!Half-half! :DD
Saturday.Woked up only at 11-ish near 12.Lunch + Dvds with Lara till I went t nap for a short while.And Lara!Please take good care of your troat!Gramps' place in the evening & mahjong again!And I seriously lovee granny's buk kut teh!Boo.However,my stomach wasn't feeling well for the whole day. ): And vonny!I really miss you loads though we meet only yesterday!HAWHAW.And we are chatting in MSN now! :DD plus we are fighting over desmond!LOL.

nice chicken drumplets!

all-time favourite banana split!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007<3
Skipped sch today due t the sharp pain that attacked my stomach.
Well,went t poly-clinic & requested for a earlier scanning
BUT unsuccessful.
A&E is the only choice if I cannot stand the pain & bleeding. ):
Sometimes mixed&match food can be so nice. :DD esp when it's with uber sweet&sour sauce.
Rested for the whole day & here I am waiting for my eyes t be tired. @.@
A call from a bestfriend can be so nice&touched at times.Though the conversation is not long,we know we care for each other.And..BANG is really a greatfriend+mrMacho!
Not forgetting my vonvon! Tmr we are probably going for a movie after my sch! And that's
double yayness!
- self-owned broadband connection is here,but the red light has yet t turn into greeny.Not gonna tag neighbours anymore! =X
- mum bought really BIG&ROUND cherries! + banana + rockmelon!& i'm lovin it :DDD
Goodnight all! :O
Sunday, July 08, 2007<3
Hit the sack at five-ish in the morning & woke up at only twelve.
Gramps + mahjong today. (:
Sch starting soon & come t think of it,I never had enough of shopping+feasting+gathering+tanning! plus I'm gonna face accounts+microsoft excel which will bomb me off!
Vonny,let's find a day t queue for those delicious donuts!I think by the time we wait for the special one,aww,it's gonna be too late.Well,if in future,that special one is special t us,the donuts will naturally be special!So let's find a day soon!Don mug too hard & I miss you uber loads!
Saturday, July 07, 2007<3

Botak Jones with vonny+bang+sheng last thursday!Uber fun since it's sooooo long since our last gathering!Pool at Clementi arcade after that.I've talent!That's what bang and sheng say,which actually meant the opposite! ): After pool,vonny headed home t bake cookies while bang+sheng+me went t play basketball under bang's block.Don feel like going home plus bang's mum won alot of singapore pool's cash,we decided t ton outside!Bathed at bang's house & we cabbed down t changi airport.(bang's pay for the cab fare! :DD) Coffee Bean > Viewing Gallery > MAC.Chatted alot with them & they complained that I talked too much.LOL.

They stayed over at my crib till afternoon. (: Brotherhood means same sleeping posture!

I've a uber raspberry,blueberry & berry good mummy!She pamper me with Crystal Jade Dim Sum on Tuesday. :DD She even sponsor me with cash for my skinnies!Love her uber loads!
Lovelove & me bought the same skinnies! ♥♥♥♥♥

Sheng's birthday celebration spells FUN.Cafe Cartel food really sucks!Omg,my fish&chips wasn't nice at all!But still,I enjoy the company of all ((: Blackforest Cake Surprise for him! & guess that made him really embarrassed.After every bits and pieces of fun at Cafe,we headed t JEC for pool & this time,it's sheng's treat.Wasn't in the mood t play much.But still I enjoy laughing at my lovesloves.The pics are all with lovey-dovey vonvon.Will post the pics up after getting it from her! Though it's 6 JULY now,I still wanna wish SHENG a BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY!Well,I think this is the fourth or fifth time I wish him.LOL.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007<3
boohoo,i've uber lotsa things t update!
still enjoying my hols. (:
anyway,i'm too busy. =p
vonny+tiffy+sheng+bang had botak jones last thurs!
more t come soon!